Mission StatementIt is the mission of the Bradley Beach Police Department to provide the public with safety and services which are designed to efficiently, equitably and effectively prevent crime and safeguard the lives and property of the residents and visitors of the Borough. Our mandate is to do so with integrity and honor, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain the public’s trust and collaboration. Chief's noticeThe Bradley Beach Police reminds everyone to use care and protect personal belongings by always securing items such as homes, cars, bicycles or other items to help us prevent loss.
Motor Vehicle Crash Reports: Motor Vehicle Crash Reports may be downloaded online by visiting http://www.crashdocs.org Attorney’s Requests for Discovery: Requests for discovery must be submitted in formal written form and submitted to the Police Department Detective Bureau (Attn: Discovery). Any questions can be directed to our detective bureau personnel through our main phone number at 732-775-6900. BRADLEY BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT
701 MAIN STREET BRADLEY BEACH, NEW JERSEY 07720 Phone 732-775-6900 Fax 732-774-3108 A request for Public Records must be submitted to the above address on an Open Public Records Act Request form available at 701 Main Street, Bradley Beach or under the forms center on the borough website. If your request is approved it will be available within seven business days pursuant to the statute. If a requested document is not a public record pursuant to the statute or if it cannot be provided within seven business days, you will be notified in writing. Fees for copying public records are set by statute as follows: A copy of a letter size (or smaller) government record is $0.05 and $0.07 per legal size. Electronic (email) record requests are free of charge. Any computer disc, CD-ROM, DVD, shall be the actual cost of duplication. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1 A05c., this office may impose a reasonable special service charge if the nature, format, manner of collation, or volume of a government record is such that it cannot be reproduced by ordinary document copying equipment, in ordinary business size or involves an extraordinary expenditure of time and effort to accommodate your request. The terms “public record” and “government record” in New Jersey do not include:
Important informationInternal Affairs
immigration visa info
Body Worn Camera
The Bradley Beach Police Department currently uses the following two types of Body Worn Cameras, the Motorola V300 and the Watch Guard Vista.
Early Warning System
Random Drug TEsting
DHS Advisory System |